Have Real Things Around #3 – Information


I learned that successful people keep in mind that 99% of the information is false; a lie or someone’s imagination.


99%. Almost all what you hear and see from TV, books, internet, SNS, friends, family, coworkers, doctors, teachers, etc. is not ‘entirely’ true.

Most cases it is not an intentional lie. Nevertheless, people speak without really understanding the matter deeply. Whenever it comes from a limited perspective, the fact behind the talk gets projected subjectively. The output is a one-way, incomplete, inaccurate, more imaginary story.

Not only the story teller but the listener also twists it farther. We hear as how we want to hear. Rumor and gossip are the typical examples. People talk this and that, and in the end, the truth is totally lost.


The good news is there is still 1% of true information! To recognize the precious real information, you should check the resource.


There are so many people saying different things. When you wonder who to trust, think about these points:

  • What kind of people are around her?
  • How does he treat people around?
  • Is he keep growing? See the long term growth rather than a ‘shot’ success.
  • Is she helping people around grow?


When you look at his background, you can tell if the person has the ability to build and maintain the relationship with others in a productive way. The person’s attitude toward others tells a lot more than the superficial triumph he claims.

The same principle is applied with businesses. If the business has the real contribution to the society, it should be recognized by someone other than the self claim. Self claim is just an advertisement.


There are people who can present themselves way more than what they really are, with or without knowing it. Some people have the gift of acting beyond your imagination. But if you take a closer look over time, you see something wrong with the ones who are good at talking but don’t have the real contents.

Proof is better than argument. Truly trustworthy people have been doing something rather than just talking. Their knowledge comes with the actual experience. As the natural sequences, they have been achieving something, and they are still growing. They don’t stop growing.


The majority of what you see and hear is one-way, inaccurate, incomplete information and imagination. It is not useless but it reflects only a part of the truth. It takes much longer to figure out what really it is with such clues.

To save your time (and frustration), find the 1%. Check the resource. Take other people’s comment as reference but don’t take it 100%. See how he is treating others. Assess its ability to establish and improve the long term relationship with the outer world.

And lastly, don’t forget about your own imagination. There is always the great chance that you are the one who contributes to twist the fact by selective hearing.

Hope this helps your treasure hunting!