Start Your Own Business – 08

How to do – get help


When your business vision is coming to a solid picture, get someone else’s input. Talking with others and listening to their comments are great way to source new adaptable ideas and check how realistic your plan is.

Here are some examples of who I asked for help.


  • Family and friends

I talked with someone who has her own business, who is thinking to start her own and who used to have one. Talking with someone who understands you and/or has the same ambition is informative and inspiring. Those who have gone through will give you a practical and realistic advice.

  • Possible customers/market research

I made a survey using survey monkey and asked my friends to fill it up. I arranged food samplings with friends and got their feedback.

  • Possible business associates

I talked with local businesses whenever I had a chance to search possibilities to incorporate their services and products into my business. As a newbie in this area, it also helped me to get the general expectations, attitudes and systems of business here.

  • Business consultant

I was fortunate to get a free business consultation service offered by the municipality. My consultant has been helping me write the business plan and providing information.

  • Services

I called the lawyer’s office and asked about the incorporation. I called the food and safety office to check the regulations. I e-mailed many suppliers to see if they would deal with me when I set up the business.


Most people are helpful when you explain what you would like to ask and why, especially if they see you have a well thought plan.



Talk with people who know you about your plan

Get the input from experienced people

Do some direct market research (survey, questionnaire, sampling, etc. )

Call or e-mail and ask questions about relevant details