Why Love is the Solution


From John Lennon to various religions, they all talk about love.


The behavior of people around you influences your emotions and feelings. If someone gives you a compliment, you feel encouraged. If someone says a negative thing about you, you feel down and/or offended.

The type and degree of the influence differ from person to person and culture to culture. Nevertheless, as a general rule you feel good if someone is nice to you.

It seems quite simple. But in the daily life, it doesn’t always work as it’s supposed to. You are always try to be nice to others but don’t get much of recognition. Some people get annoyed with your kind offer. Sometimes love doesn’t seem doing anything to help your loved one.

Then why still love? Why do many people stick with love even if it seems rejected?


In my last blog, I talked about how our impression and perception can be different between two parties. The confusing reaction toward your ‘love’ may be due to the perception gap between you and the person you love.


A color-blind person sees red as green1. Suppose there were only two people in this world, you and her. You two looked at the Canadian flag. Would it be red and white? Or green and white? There was no intermediary to bridge between two parties. Your discussion would go nowhere.

We often do things like this. Two different opinions clash and it becomes a never ending argument.


But red is red to you. Red is green to him. It is very difficult to bend the truth to you and compromise with the other’s claim. Although you pretend so, it leaves you discontent. Either you fight or not, your confusion and frustration will hold you down.

This is the beginning of the crisis of your relationship.


Then, love. That’s why love.

I don’t understand you but I still like you – this is love. I simply like you a lot.

Love is not the reward for those who understand you. You don’t love someone in exchange with her recognition for you. In other words, if you do ‘love’ only who ‘loves’ you, it is not the love that can be the solution of all problem.


It doesn’t matter how much or less you know. You can love someone. Recognize the feeling within you. Although people don’t understand you, it will soothe the rough part of your heart.

And, only if you soothe your own heart, many, many problems disappears.

That’s why love.




1  The deficiency type and level varies person to person and not everyone sees read as green.